What is a computer?
Hey Fateinds you can find what you are singing here, so today I have put all the information of What is a computer on this my blog protutorialstore of mine which you need and I have given you all the information about what is required on this blog. I am updating.
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What is a computer in simple words?
what is a computer system?
Hello hello friends, how are you?
The sequence
1. What is a computer?
1.1. Who made the computer?
1.2. What is the full form of computer.
1.3. How is a computer used?
1.4. How many types of computers are there?
1.5. What is hardware? Basic Information.
1.5.1. CPU (Central Processing Unit):
1.5.2. HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
1.5.3. Monitor / LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
1.6. Some Input Devices of Computer
1.7. Some Output Devices of Computer
1.7.1. my opinion
What is a computer for kids?
What is a computer?
You all must have heard many times or you may have thought that what is the difference between a computer and a laptop.Computer Kisey Kehte Hai
Who made the computer?
Friends, this question must have come in your mind now, who invented the computer?
What is the full form of computer.
U-Used for
T-Technical and
R- Research
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How is a computer used?
How many types of computers are there?
Friends are five types of digital computers.
1. Grid Computer
2. Super Computer
3. Mainframe Computer
4. Micro Computer
5. Mini Computer
Friends, the name of the computer we use is Micro Computer, there are 6 types of Friends Micro Computer.
1. Desktop Computer
2. Laptop Computer
3. Palmtop Computer
4. Notebook Computer
5. Pocket Computer
6. Tablet Computer
What is hardware? Basic Information.There are types of Hardware Parts like:
CPU (Central Processing Unit):The CPU is called the most main part of the computer. Its job is to fulfill our instructions.
HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
The full form of Dasto HHD is Hard Disk Drive. Friends HDD's job is to collect all our data from us. We can save video, audio, photo or any kind of document in it. Friends HDD was invented in 1957 by IBM Company.
Monitor / LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
Friends, we use LCD to watch videos. The LCD has a full form Liquid Crystal Display. There are many types of LCD, LED and etc. It is all a kind of display.
Some Input Devices of Computer
Graphics Tablets
Video Capture Hardware
Barcode reader
Digital camera
MIDI keyboard
Mouse (pointing device)
Electronic Whiteboard
Pen input
Punch card reader
MICR (Magnetic Ink character reader)
Magnetic Tape Drive
Some Output Devices of Computer
LCD Projection Panels
Monitor (LED, LCD, CRT etc)
Printers (all types)
Head phone
Computer Output Microfilm (COM)
Speaker (s)
Visual display unit
Film recorder